Elissa Johnston, singer | Schedule & Tickets 2025



Elissa Johnston


Artist summary generated by AI

Elissa Johnston is a distinguished singer known for her captivating performances and contributions to the world of music. With a rich background in storytelling through sound, she has graced the stage in notable productions, including her recent role in Wicked Goat | Stories, a concert that celebrates the art of narrative in music. This performance featured a remarkable lineup, including the Pulitzer-Prize winning piece Tempest Fantasy by Paul Moravec, alongside talented musicians such as Nic Gerpe, Katelyn Vahala, and the Lyris Quartet. Elissa's artistry was further showcased in the creative work Rosa de Sal by Reena Esmail, where her vocal prowess brought depth and emotion to the piece. As she continues to evolve as an artist, Elissa Johnston remains committed to exploring new musical landscapes and engaging audiences with her unique interpretations. With upcoming projects on the horizon, she is poised to further enrich the cultural tapestry with her exceptional talent and dedication to her craft.

Artist summary generated by AI

Elissa Johnston is a distinguished singer known for her captivating performances and contributions to the world of music. With a rich background in storytelling through sound, she has graced the stage in notable productions, including her recent role in Wicked Goat | Stories, a concert that celebrates the art of narrative in music. This performance featured a remarkable lineup, including the Pulitzer-Prize winning piece Tempest Fantasy by Paul Moravec, alongside talented musicians such as Nic Gerpe, Katelyn Vahala, and the Lyris Quartet. Elissa's artistry was further showcased in the creative work Rosa de Sal by Reena Esmail, where her vocal prowess brought depth and emotion to the piece. As she continues to evolve as an artist, Elissa Johnston remains committed to exploring new musical landscapes and engaging audiences with her unique interpretations. With upcoming projects on the horizon, she is poised to further enrich the cultural tapestry with her exceptional talent and dedication to her craft.

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