Cornell University Chorus - Artelize


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Cornell University Chorus

Ithaca, NY, United States

The Cornell University Chorus is a distinguished musical ensemble with a rich history at Cornell University. Celebrating its centennial, the Chorus has planned a series of events and initiatives, including "100 Things To Do Before Centennial" and the formation of a Centennial Committee, to commemorate this milestone. The Chorus has a well-established organizational structure, including a Director, a Chorus Council, and various officers such as a Historian, Librarians, and a General Manager. The ensemble is made up of current members who actively participate in the Chorus's musical endeavors and contribute to its vibrant community. The Chorus also engages in commissioning projects, where new works are created for the ensemble, thereby expanding its repertoire. Additionally, the group features an a cappella subset known as After Eight, which provides an opportunity for members to explore a different style of vocal performance. Throughout its history, the Cornell University Chorus has been dedicated to empowerment through music, as evidenced by their concert schedule and community events. Auditions are held regularly, maintaining a high standard of musical excellence, and the Chorus follows a typical schedule that includes rehearsals and performances, contributing to the rich tapestry of singing at Cornell. The Chorus has a strong tradition of support and alumni engagement, with initiatives such as Giving Day 2022, an endowment campaign, and opportunities for alumni to contribute to the Chorus's ongoing success. The Chorus maintains an active presence with alumni through resources, the Chorus Association, newsletters, and an Advisory Council. One of the Chorus's unique traditions is the biannual History Tea, organized by the Chorus Historian. This event provides a space for members to delve into the organization's accomplishments and history. The Fall 2017 Newsletter highlighted a History Tea hosted by Anne Jones, where members enjoyed an afternoon of Chorus education, socializing, and singing from new permanent repertoire packets, a testament to the Chorus's commitment to preserving and celebrating its musical heritage. A significant highlight in the Chorus's recent history was the performance of "This Haas To Go Down In The History Books," a major work by Georg Friedrich Haas, performed in collaboration with the Glee Club. The piece, "Seven Soundscapes on the Unfinished Fragments of W.A. Mozart’s Requiem Mass in D Minor," was conducted by Michel Galante and featured the Argento Chamber Ensemble, local musicians, and student players. This ambitious project, which included complex rhythms and unorthodox structures, showcased the Chorus's dedication to challenging and innovative musical experiences. The Cornell University Chorus continues to be a home at Cornell, fostering a network of support, friendship, and musical excellence. As it celebrates its centennial, the Chorus looks back on a storied history while also looking forward to a future filled with song, community, and the continued pursuit of musical achievement.

Contact information

Cornell University Chorus

Ithaca, NY, United States

2024 Artelize