L.A. Theatre Works - Artelize


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L.A. Theatre Works

Los Angeles, CA, United States

About L.A. Theatre Works (LATW) L.A. Theatre Works (LATW) is a renowned American non-profit media arts organization with a mission to record and preserve great performances of important stage plays. Founded in 1974, LATW has dedicated itself to using new technology to make world-class theatre accessible to the widest possible audience and to utilize theatre as a teaching tool. LATW began with a focus on giving voice to underrepresented groups and has since been instrumental in bringing attention to new plays and playwrights, as well as producing plays that address critical historical, cultural, and social issues. In the 1990s, LATW made a strategic shift to embrace audio recording as its primary medium of theatrical presentation, moving away from conventional stage performances. This transition has positioned LATW as the nation's leading producer of audio theatre. With the largest collection of professionally produced audio theatre in the United States, LATW continues to innovate and expand its reach. Its diverse range of programs is designed to overcome geographic and economic barriers and to provide an immersive theatre experience to a broad audience. Some of the key programs include: - **Live Series**: A series of radio-theatre style live performances featuring classic and new plays with award-winning actors, held at the James Bridges Theater at UCLA. - **National Broadcast Series**: A weekly two-hour radio broadcast that features a selected play, carried on 50 public radio stations across the country, streamed on LATW's website, and available as podcasts. These broadcasts often include supplemental material such as interviews with artists and experts. - **Education Programs**: LATW combines the power of professional theatre with digital technology to create educational tools that engage students through arts-based learning. - **Audio Publishing**: LATW boasts a catalog of over 500 plays recorded specifically for audio, which are distributed through retail partners like iTunes and Audible.com, as well as provided for free to more than 13,000 libraries nationwide. L.A. Theatre Works is supported by a community of patrons and a dedicated staff, governed by a Board of Directors. It operates from its base where it also provides map and directions for visitors and supporters. The organization encourages public support through donations, which are tax-deductible, and offers various ways for individuals and businesses to contribute to its mission. Through its innovative approach to theatre and commitment to education, LATW continues to make a significant impact on the arts community and beyond, bringing live and recorded theatre to audiences around the world.

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Contact information

L.A. Theatre Works

Los Angeles, CA, United States

2024 Artelize