Wilmington Concert Opera - Artelize


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Wilmington Concert Opera

Wilmington, DE, United States

Wilmington Concert Opera (WCO) is a distinctive musical organization based in Wilmington, Delaware, known for its commitment to diversity, inclusivity, and accessibility. As an exclusively woman and minority-run company, WCO was co-founded by Dr. Kirsten C. Kunkle and Dr. Marisa Robinson, who sought to fill a void in their performance schedules and provide high-quality operatic experiences to the local community. The inception of WCO can be traced back to a single performance of Puccini’s "Suor Angelica" in November 2016, which laid the foundation for the organization's future direction. The co-founders' vision was to create an opera company that would prioritize the hiring of local musicians and offer free performances, especially in areas such as West Center City, which is adjacent to the economically-disadvantaged Arts District. WCO's mission is to make opera accessible to all by performing family-friendly versions of traditionally expensive productions. This approach has allowed the organization to serve the greater Wilmington community effectively, bringing the art form closer to people who might not otherwise have the opportunity to experience it. In April 2018, WCO achieved a significant milestone by becoming a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. This status enabled them to assemble a Board of Directors and expand their network of performers. WCO boasts an active roster of approximately one hundred singers and seven pianists, with a growing interest from many others who wish to collaborate with the company. WCO's reputation for excellence and community engagement has been further bolstered by their active social media presence on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Through these channels, they have managed to cultivate a growing audience base and foster organic growth. The organization continues to explore new partnerships and developmental opportunities within the community, demonstrating a commitment to evolving and enhancing its impact. The co-founders, Kirsten C. Kunkle and Marisa Robinson, have been featured on WHYY’s "You Oughta Know," where they discussed the founding, growth, and mission of WCO, alongside rehearsal footage from the world premiere of the opera "Girondines." Wilmington Concert Opera remains dedicated to its founding principles and continues to make a significant cultural contribution to the city of Wilmington and the broader region through its innovative approach to opera performance and community involvement.

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Wilmington Concert Opera

Wilmington, DE, United States

2024 Artelize