Quincy Symphony Orchestra Association - Artelize


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Quincy Symphony Orchestra Association

Quincy, IL, United States

The Quincy Symphony Orchestra Association (QSOA) is a distinguished musical organization based in Quincy, Illinois, that encompasses several performing groups and educational initiatives. Founded in 1947 by Mr. George M. Irwin as the Quincy Little Symphony, the orchestra expanded in 1952 and was renamed the Quincy Symphony Orchestra. It began by presenting four concerts annually, a tradition that has grown significantly over the years. In addition to the main orchestra, the QSOA includes the Quincy Symphony Chorus, which became part of the association in 1972, the Quincy Area Youth Orchestra, which joined in 1993, and the Quincy Area Youth Chorus, added in 1995. These ensembles contribute to a vibrant musical culture within the community, offering a range of performances from classical to contemporary works. The QSOA is known for its commitment to music education and youth involvement. It sponsors educational opportunities such as the Young Artists Competition and the annual Young People’s Concerts. The association also benefits from the support of the Encore Symphony Volunteer Council, which provides funding for scholarships to music camps, grants for high school musicians, and support for local school music programs through various fundraising events. Throughout its history, the QSOA has been led by a series of dedicated conductors. Following its founder George M. Irwin, the baton has been passed to Harold Bauer, Dr. Crawford Gates, Dr. Thom Ritter George (who was also a composer), Jack Ranney, Clyde Bassett, and the current conductor, Dr. Bruce Briney. The Symphony Chorus has been directed by George M. Irwin, Douglas Reeve, and Dr. Phyllis Robertson. The Quincy Area Youth Orchestra is conducted by Richard M. Cangro, while Paul Shelor and Amy Fairchild lead the Quincy Area Youth Chorus. The QSOA's contributions to the cultural life of Quincy have been recognized with numerous awards. The organization has received the City of Quincy Arts Award multiple times, and its board and staff members have been acknowledged at the state level. In 2018, the QSOA and Encore Symphony Council were named the Arts Organization of the Year by the George M. Irwin Arts Awards. In 2020, the Quincy Symphony Orchestra was honored as Illinois’s Community Orchestra of the Year by the Illinois Council of Orchestras, a testament to its excellence in various aspects including programming, community involvement, and organizational management. The Quincy Symphony Orchestra Association continues to enrich the cultural landscape of Quincy, Illinois, through its diverse performances, educational programs, and community engagement efforts. It holds a special place in the hearts of music lovers in the region and remains a beacon of artistic excellence.

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Quincy Symphony Orchestra Association

Quincy, IL, United States

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