Red Deer Symphony Orchestra - Artelize


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Red Deer Symphony Orchestra

Red Deer, Canada

The Red Deer Symphony Orchestra (RDSO) is a community-focused professional orchestra that has been a cornerstone of the performing arts scene in Central Alberta since its inception in 1987. The organization prides itself on its mission to engage, educate, and inspire the region through music, with a vision of igniting passion for arts and culture within the community. The RDSO was founded when the population of Red Deer was just under 55,000, coinciding with the opening of the Red Deer College Arts Centre. Howard Mar, the visionary behind the orchestra, garnered financial support from Red Deer’s Royal Canadian Legion Branch 35 and assembled a group of both amateur and professional musicians to form the symphony. Dr. Alan Johnson, the RDSO's first president, reflected on the early days, likening the formation of the orchestra to a significant birth in the community. Over the years, the RDSO has evolved from a semi-professional group to a fully professional symphony orchestra, under the guidance of Maestro Claude Lapalme. The orchestra now employs union musicians and has grown from a four-concert season with a modest budget to a seven-concert season with a budget exceeding $500,000. This growth has allowed the RDSO to expand its educational outreach through programs such as the Dress Rehearsal program, Choir Kids, and the Music Explorers program—an El Sistema-inspired initiative that supports socio-economically challenged children through music. The RDSO is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors, comprised of members who are deeply invested in the arts and the local community. The board includes Anita Thomas as President, Gaetano Mazzuca as Vice-President, Vanessa Mariani as Treasurer, and Anthony McLean as Secretary, among others. These individuals volunteer their time to ensure the continued success and operation of the orchestra. The day-to-day operations of the RDSO are managed by a dedicated staff, including Claude Lapalme as Music Director, Jennette Miller as Executive Director, Matthew Whitfield as Marketing & Community Connections Coordinator, and Dean O'Brien as Personnel Manager. The organization is a registered charity and non-profit association in Alberta, with a commitment to transparency, demonstrated by making key documents such as annual reports and strategic plans available to the public. The RDSO remains true to its original vision, providing educational experiences with symphonic music and collaborating with local amateur musicians and groups. Despite changes over time, the orchestra's reliance on the support of local patrons, businesses, and volunteers has remained constant, as has its dedication to enriching the cultural life of Central Alberta.

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Red Deer Symphony Orchestra

Red Deer, Canada

2024 Artelize