Imperial Valley Symphony - Artelize


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Imperial Valley Symphony

Imperial, CA, United States

The Imperial Valley Symphony (IVS), originally known as the Imperial Valley Chamber Orchestra, is a community orchestra based in Imperial County, California. The organization's history dates back to September 1974 when a group of musicians convened at the home of Dr. Keith MacGaffey, a local physician and bassoonist with a penchant for organizing musical ensembles. This initial gathering, intended to form a chamber orchestra for the Elizabethan Festival of Sts. Peter and Paul Episcopal Church in El Centro, marked the genesis of the IVS. The founding of the orchestra coincided with the arrival of three key individuals to the Valley: Dr. MacGaffey, Carolyn Sechrist, a master music teacher who had established the string music program in El Centro schools, and Joel Jacklich, who had recently taken over the Central Union High School Orchestra and moved from San Diego. During an early rehearsal, Jacklich, who was playing viola, revealed his background in conducting, prompting Dr. MacGaffey to switch roles with him, allowing Jacklich to conduct and MacGaffey to play the bassoon. The ensemble quickly became a haven for local musicians who previously had to travel to San Diego or Yuma to participate in orchestral music. The IVS held its inaugural concert in April following its formation, featuring guest artist guitarist Pepe Romero. The success of this concert solidified the orchestra's presence in the community. In 2020, Joel Jacklich, who had served as the conductor and music director for many years, stepped down, passing the baton to Dr. Matthew Busse. Under Dr. Busse's leadership, the IVS continues to fulfill its mission to provide quality performances and serve as a creative outlet for musicians of all backgrounds. The IVS was incorporated in 1977 and obtained non-profit, tax-exempt status for educational purposes from the State of California (C08334352 P.B.) and from the Internal Revenue Service (95-2975080 P.B.) in 1978. The Imperial Valley Symphony Association (IVSA) supports the orchestra by funding its annual concert schedule. Beyond staging concerts, the IVSA runs an active scholarship program, which includes an annual Young Artists' Competition, private music study scholarships, and scholarships for summer music camps. Since its establishment, the IVSA has awarded over $72,700 in music scholarships to students in the Valley. The IVS also engages in educational outreach through programs such as summer camps and has a commitment to fostering the musical education of the community's youth. The organization's dedication to cultural enrichment and music education is evident in its diverse offerings, from concert programs to educational initiatives.

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Imperial Valley Symphony

Imperial, CA, United States

2024 Artelize