Oneota Valley Community Orchestra - Artelize


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Oneota Valley Community Orchestra

Decorah, IA, United States

The Oneota Valley Community Orchestra (OVCO) is a volunteer ensemble that was founded in August of 2014. It is open to all area and non-area residents who have an interest in performing orchestral music. The OVCO is dedicated to presenting a diverse range of orchestral works, spanning from the baroque era to newly commissioned pieces. A typical season for the OVCO includes three to four Masterworks concerts featuring the full orchestra, as well as several smaller venue concerts that are part of their chamber music series. The orchestra's programming emphasizes high-quality literature from the symphonic repertoire, and their commitment to artistic excellence has attracted both professional and semi-professional musicians to join their ranks. Despite this, the core of the orchestra is comprised of professionals from various fields who are passionate about continuing their study and performance of classical music. The OVCO offers free performances to the community and operates primarily during the regular season from September to April. Rehearsals and performances take place at the Decorah High School Auditorium on Sunday afternoons. Each concert series generally involves 6-8 two-hour rehearsals. While the musicians volunteer their time, the OVCO provides mileage reimbursement for those who travel over 20 miles to attend rehearsals and performances, ensuring broader participation. The orchestra does not charge membership dues, and while there are no formal auditions, musicians are expected to perform at a high level with the limited rehearsal time. The OVCO is under the direction of award-winning conductor Matthew Cody, who earned his master’s degree in conducting and music education from Colorado State University in 2014. Cody has a distinguished background, having conducted a variety of classical works with professional orchestras and studied with notable figures such as Wes Kenney, Jason Weinberger, and Dr. Robert L. Larsen. In 2016, he was the recipient of the American Prize in Conducting Award in the Community Orchestra Division. The OVCO is governed by a board and staff, and it encourages community support through donations and sponsorships. For those interested in joining the orchestra or supporting its mission, the OVCO provides contact information and an online musician interest form on its website.

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Oneota Valley Community Orchestra

Decorah, IA, United States

2024 Artelize